Too Faced Born This Way Foundation Review

12 July 2016 0 comments

Hey beautiful girls! It feels like forever since I've sat down to review something on my blog. I missed it so much. For the past two months I've been super busy and concentrating on other aspects of my...

Mario Badescu Drying Lotion Review

3 May 2016 0 comments

The Mario Badescu Drying Lotion retails at £12.50 on Beauty Bay for a 29ml bottle. 'A highly coveted acne treatment that refreshes and repairs the complexion effortlessly. An excellent spot...

Night Time Skincare Routine

26 April 2016 2 comments

Skincare is so important to me now that I realise how much of a difference a flawless base makes to your makeup, and in general of course. I recently posted my morning skincare routine and was then...

How I deal with my PCOS

25 April 2016 2 comments

This is the post which I was most reluctant to write about, but always felt like I wanted and needed to do it. It's a very personal part of my life but if it could help even one girl it's worth it.  PCOS...

Laura Mercier Translucent Powder review

25 April 2016 0 comments


Must have lip liners

20 April 2016 0 comments


My favourite, must have cream eyeshadow!

20 April 2016 0 comments

This product is so popular I don't really need to speak about it, but it's so pretty that I         couldn't not. The formula is super creamy and blends in like a powder. It's...

Go- to liquid lipsticks!

20 April 2016 0 comments

    My go- to liquid lipsticks! From left to right: Kat Von D Lolita Max Factor Lip Infinity in Nice N Spicy Colourpop Beeper Colourpop Chi NYX Lip Lingerie in Ruffle trim NYX Lip Lingerie...


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